Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Old Age Health - Problems and Solutions

Old age problems may occur from the age of 40, but it all depends on the overall health of a person in youth. Happy young people can grow happy in old age, but it is one of the hardest truths to believe that life does not give a chance. Its heaviest bounces reverse back in old age. The loss of friend, family and loved ones leave people behind alone and this loneliness can cause much depression in old age. Anyhow, in this article, we will discuss in detail the problems, troubles and tribulation and solutions of old age physical and mental health.
As age grows, many physical problems begin to appear like muscle pain, arthritis, bowl syndrome, gout, prostate, heart problems, hypertension, overweight, asthma, bone weakness, osteoporosis, foot problems, dementia, diabetes, sleep disturbances, sight, hearing and speaking difficulty are common ailments of age. In order to minimize the risks of having these problems, one should adopt regular physical activity, which is not only safe and sound but also enjoyable. It will keep your body fit and have check on your weight. Regular checkup is highly necessary and inevitable in old age problems. It is important to note here that you should get to know neighbors numbers and keep the security system intact if you are living alone. Get a list of emergency numbers with you and keep them handy.
In order to handle a patient with heart problem, you should adopt serious precautionary measures. Regular visits to doctor and proper taking care of a patient is highly required. You can also get information from Internet and can ask your doctor about how serious the problem is and how to cope up with it easily. Take complete diet plan and exercise schedule from your doctor.
If you have prostate problem, you should visit the doctor on regular basis, as it is high irritating problem, which starts with urination problem. But right diagnosis at right time can keep you safe from major malignancy in prostate. Follow all instructions of doctor carefully.
The Bowl Syndrome is another problem, which is frequently complaint by many people in old age. If you are having this problem, you should avoid certain fruits which can cause it aggravated like watermelon, orange, mango. So consult your doctor before taking these fruits and follow all advises given by your physician.
Diabetes is considered the silent killer as it keeps on damaging internal organs of the patient silently so proper intake of insulin is a must. Try to control your sugar level with exercise and diet. Avoid sweet food, confectionary and deep-fried food. It is impertinent to note here that physical health cannot be achieved without taking healthy diet.
Physical health is as important as mental health. Rather more appropriate to say is to be healthy fit requires healthy brain and mind. Any disturbance or tension can directly lead to physical illness. So it is highly important to maintain mental health along with physical health. Depression is the major cause of all disease in today's world. Many people do fall into depression but they don't know it. The most common symptoms of depression are restlessness, change in behavior, loss of appetite, and feelings of being guilty. If you are having any of the above problems, contact your doctor as early as possible. Take part in mental activities like chess etc and keep yourself happy and tension less.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Needs of the Elderly

There are a number of aspects that are involved in taking care of elderly or aged people. Having a good amount of awareness about the various possible needs and requirements of the elders, is extremely important for those people who have the responsibility of taking care of their aged family members, parents or relatives. In this article, we will have a generic look at the type of assistance and help that elderly people commonly require, in addition to a few elderly special needs.

Financial Needs

If elderly individuals happen to be living on their own, i.e. without anyone else's support, it is but natural that they will have a certain amount of financial needs. They will need to fend for themselves for everything such as food, groceries, medicines, etc. Pensioners would have the benefit of a steady source of monthly income (whatever be the amount trickling in). However, those senior citizens who do not have any pension facilities or any other sources of income would have to live entirely on the basis of their savings or through special senior citizen government finance schemes.

Health Care Requirements

Senior health is the most important requirement when it comes to elderly needs. With advancing age, the body tends to slow down and becomes less efficient. Elderly people are prone to a few age-related health issues. This is a normal aspect of life and one cannot help it. However, through proper care and nursing facilities, one can definitely help in keeping most of these health issues in check and preventing them from causing any serious harm. Regular medical checkups are necessary. They can help in anticipating potential future health-related issues. At the same time, they may help in identifying serious health problems at an early enough stage during which treatment is possible.

Dietary Requirements

As people age, their digestive system gradually starts weakening. Aged and elderly people especially, face this problem wherein they start finding certain foods indigestible or difficult to digest. What one must realize is that their diet can no longer be the same as it was say, twenty years ago. Their diet should now be modified accordingly such that it remains a nutritious, balanced diet and yet, contains foodstuffs that their system is able to accept, without causing them any discomfort or problems. Often, the diets of elderly people need to be altered depending on their medicinal prescriptions.

Nursing Requirements

If you have an elderly family member whose mobility has become limited due to aging, he or she would require a certain amount of assistance in his or her daily routine. If it is not possible for someone in the family to be around the aged person the whole day long, you could consider having a full-time nurse to assist the elderly person. This could be beneficial, especially if the elderly person requires assistance in basic activities like walking, eating, bathing, dressing, etc.

Social and Other Needs

One thing that you should keep in mind is, to shower all your love and care on your elderly relative or family member. Just because they have become old and slow, does not mean that you should ignore them or let them be confined to themselves. Remember, a few years down the line, you yourself will be in their position. Spend time with them, chat with them and make them feel wanted, cared for and loved. Pay special attention to their room. You could consider installing a few senior citizen friendly appliances which they would be comfortable using. Also, you should consider installing certain medical alarms that are specially made keeping in mind elderly citizens.

These were some basic elderly needs that you should bear in mind. Try your best to fulfill all of them so that they can spend the golden days of their life happily and comfortably.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Exercise and Old Age: What Are the Best Exercises for the Elderly?

Our bodies change a lot as we age. More often, body functions deteriorate, or even fail, with age. However, this condition is not an excuse to not continue exercising. In fact, in many cases, exercise in advanced age still offer a lot of health benefits. While deterioration of body function is inevitable, proper exercise slows down the aging process. It also improves muscle tone and strengthens the bones and joints, making them more resistant to falls, which are the common causes of fractures in the elderly.

It is never too late to start an exercise routine. However, attempting to start an exercise program with the elderly must entail more care. An elderly person must see a doctor and consult with him regarding the pros and cons of exercise. There may be some exercises that are contraindicated for the elderly, and some people cannot be able to exercise at all.

Nevertheless, when advised to exercise, here are some safe examples for the elderly:

Walk around the park or around the village with your dog. You can also try walking with your partner or grandchildren. Walking is a good aerobic exercise, and it strengthens the heart and lungs. Just make sure you walk according to your pace and rest when you are tired.

Do household chores. Household chores could constitute moderate physical activity. This ensures that you do not become sedentary or become an easy target for illnesses.

Indulge in dancing. Dancing is a physical activity that is safe in a lot of conditions, and is also good aerobic exercise. Try to organize dances with fellow elderly people and see your health improve.

Stretch those body parts! Stretching activities are a good way to strengthen those joints and bones. Just make sure you maintain proper form in order to minimize injuries.

You can also try yoga and Tai Chi. These exercises emphasize breathing and slow, low-impact motions. These could help you become healthy even if you have not-so-good joints.

Swim. Water reduces impact on the body while still giving you a good aerobic workout. Try swimming twice a week if your schedule and health permit. Just make sure you dry yourself with a towel as soon as you get out of the water to protect yourself from colds.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Diet in old Age

Adequate Nutrition and a well balanced diet are of vital importance in Old age so as to prevent and control the common hazards of Aging. Many factors like poor income, decreased mobility, social isolation and depression are known to affect the health and well being of the elderly. Under nutrition, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis have been identified as the most important and commonly prevalent nutrition related health problems in Old Age.

Diet and Feeding Pattern

Since good nutrition is of immense significance during old age, care should be taken that the diets of elderly are nutritionally adequate and well balanced. With the advancement of age, the energy needs are reduced as a result the total quantum of food intake is lowered while the requirement of most of the other nutrients remains unaltered. Therefore, it becomes all the more important to provide adequate amounts of all the nutrients within the decreased energy levels.

Few factors to be kept in mind while planning balanced meals for the elderly

  • Intake of energy rich foods like sweets, fried or high fat foods, cereals and starches needs to be reduced while liberal amounts of milk and milk products, fresh fruits, vegetables particularly green leafy vegetables, should be included to meet the vitamin and mineral needs.
  • An adequate intake of calcium, in particular, should be ensured to compensate for its losses due to gradual decriminalization of bones associated with aging. 
  • Since sufficient exposure to sunlight is essential to meet the body's needs for vitamin D, in case of elderly individuals confined to bed, supplements of this vitamin need to be provided.
  • Food rich in fats, especially saturated fats, should be avoided and instead oils containing high levels of poly unsaturated fatty acids such as sunflower oils, soybeans oil etc. should be used to prevent and control the condition of hypertension and other cardio-vascular diseases.
  • Intake of simple sugars should be reduced as these provide only empty calories.
  • Dietary fiber has a beneficial effect in various conditions associated with aging such as constipation, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, adequate amount of food rich in dietary fiber should be included in the diet.
  • With the advancement of age, the capacity to digest and tolerate large meals often decreases. Therefore, the quantity of food given at a time needs to be decreased. If required number of meals can be increased as per the individual's tolerance
  • Due to the loss of teeth particularly if dentures are not used, modifications in consistency needs to be done. The diet should be soft, well cooked and should include foods that need little or no mastication such as milk and milk products, soft cooked eggs, tender meats, gruel, soft cooked vegetables, grated salads, fruit juices, soft fruits like banana or stewed fruits.
  • The food for the elderly should be colorful, attractive and tasty and should be served in pleasant surroundings so as to arouse their appetite and interest in the food. 
  • Apart from the diet, the elderly are advised to continue with their physical activity and light exercises to keep fit and prevent the occurrence of diseases like arthritis, gout and obesity. Regular or periodic health checkups and weight monitoring also helps in physical fitness and early detection of complications, if any

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Healthy ageing - stay mentally active

Growing older does not mean that your mental abilities will necessarily be reduced. There's a lot you can do to keep your mind sharp and alert. Researchers believe that many of the supposed age-related changes that affect the mind, such as memory loss, are actually lifestyle related. Just as muscles get flabby from sitting around and doing nothing, so does the brain.
A marked decline in mental abilities may be due to factors like prescription medications or disease. Older people are more likely to take a range of medications for chronic conditions than younger people. In some cases, a drug (or a combination of drugs) can affect mental abilities.
Certain diseases that are more common to old age, such as Alzheimer's disease, can also be the underlying cause of declining mental abilities. It is worth checking with your doctor to make sure any cognitive changes, such as memory loss, aren't associated with drugs or illness.
Age-related changes to the brain
Some of the normal age-related changes to the brain include:
·         Fat and other deposits accumulate within brain cells (neurones), which hinder their functioning.
·         Neurones that die from 'old age' are not replaced.
·         Loss of neurones means the brain gets smaller with age.
·         Messages between neurones are sent at a slower speed.
The brain can adapt
A brain that gets smaller and lighter with age can still function as effectively as a younger brain. For example, an older brain can create new connections between neurones if given the opportunity. There is evidence to suggest that mental abilities are 'shared' by various parts of the brain so, as some neurones die, their roles are taken up by others.
Physical fitness is important
Some conditions that can affect the brain's ability to function, such as stroke, are associated with diet, obesity and sedentary lifestyle choices. Keeping an active body is crucial if you want an active mind. Suggestions include:
·         At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day delivers an oxygen boost to the brain.
·         Exercising in three 10-minute blocks is enough to deliver significant health benefits.
·         Regular exercise can improve your brain's memory, reasoning abilities and reaction times.
·         Avoid the complications of obesity (such as diabetes and heart disease) by maintaining a healthy weight for your height.
·         Avoid smoking and drinking to excess.
Eat a healthy diet
Good nutrition helps to keep your brain in optimum condition. Suggestions include:
·         Make sure your diet contains sufficient B group vitamins.
·         Glucose is the brain's sole energy source, so eat a balanced diet and avoid extreme low carbohydrate diets.
·         Narrowed arteries (atherosclerosis) can reduce blood flow to the brain, so make sure you eat a low fat, low cholesterol diet.
Improve your mental fitness
Researchers at Stanford University (USA) found that memory loss can be improved by 30 to 50 per cent simply by doing mental exercises. The brain is like a muscle - if you don't give it regular workouts, its functions will decline. Suggestions include:
·         Keep up your social life and engage in plenty of stimulating conversations.
·         Read newspapers, magazines and books.
·         Play 'thinking' games like Scrabble, cards and Trivial Pursuit.
·         Take a course on a subject that interests you.
·         Cultivate a new hobby.
·         Learn a language.
·         Do crossword puzzles and word games.
·         Play games that challenge the intellect and memory, such as chess.
·         Watch 'question and answer' game shows on television, and play along with the contestants.
·         Hobbies such as woodwork can improve the brain's spatial awareness.
·         Keep stress under control with meditation and regular relaxation, since an excess of stress hormones like cortisol can be harmful to neurones.
Boost your memory
Good recall is a learned skill. There are ways to improve a failing memory no matter what your age. Suggestions include:
·         Make sure you're paying attention to whatever it is you want to remember. For example, if you're busy thinking about something else, you mightn't notice where you're putting the house keys.
·         Use memory triggers, like association or visualization techniques. For example, link a name you want to remember with a mental picture.
·         Practice using your memory. For example, try to remember short lists, such as a grocery list. Use memory triggers to help you 'jump' from one item to the next. One type of memory trigger is a walking route that you know well. Mentally attach each item on your list to a landmark along the route. For example, imagine putting the bread at the letterbox, the apples at the next-door neighbor’s house and the meat at the bus stop. To remember the list, you just have to 'walk' the route in your mind.
Conditions and events that can impair brain function
Getting older doesn't necessarily mean that the mind stops working as well as it once did. However, some of the conditions and events more common to older age that affect brain function include:
·         Atherosclerosis
·         Dehydration
·         Dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease
·         Depression
·         Diabetes mellitus
·         Heart disease
·         Medications - prescribed medicines should be regularly reviewed so that unwanted side effects are avoided, and drugs should be discontinued if they are no longer required
·         Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency
·         Parkinson's disease
·         Stroke.
Many conditions can be managed
Many of the conditions that may affect brain function can be managed effectively. The following factors have all proved to be important:
·         Lifestyle and diet changes
·         Monitoring tests for hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes
·         Medications.
Where to get help
·         Your doctor
·         Gerontologist
·         Neurologist
Things to remember
·         Researchers believe that many of the supposed age-related changes which affect the mind, such as memory loss, are actually lifestyle related.
·         Keeping an active body is crucial if you want an active mind.
·         Some of the conditions and events more common to old age that may hinder brain function include dementia, Parkinson's disease and atherosclerosis.